
Danica’s Top Favorite Podcasters

Although I may not agree with everything everyone says, who does?  These 4 podcasts are my go to when commuting to and from work everyday, before I start mingling around looking at other media.  Below I have started to gather some of my favorite episodes before they get lost down the feed on their websites.

Pregnancy / Birth

Cesarean Rate?, with Sharon Muza

by Adriana Lozada | The Birthful Podcast: Episode #141

Rethinking the Pushing Stage, with Whapio

by Adriana Lozada | The Birthful Podcast: Episode #114

Finding an Evidence Based Care Provider—Special ‘Know Your Options’ Series

by Bryn Huntpalmer | The Birth Hour

Birth Monopoly

Ep. 14 – The Problem with Implied Consent | Lawyer Hermine Hayes-Klein

This is going to be very triggering for many women, but is the most important podcast I would recommend every family listen to as they prepare for birth.  They do an incredible job at explaining everything I would want you to know about what true informed consent and informed refusal means.  I would only add that you ask your care providers what the side effects are before every treatment bc they only give the benefits with the assumption you will then automatically say yes.  They often also say there are no side effects or risks, while I stare at them in disbelief at every birth location in Charleston, EVERY SINGLE ONE.  Please listen in a safe space, and not while driving.

Postpartum / Baby

The Myths and the Facts about Tongue Tie and Lip Tie | Dr. Alison Hazelbaker

by CAP Wellness Center | Healthy Births, Happy Babies: Episode #057

Newborn Sleep, with Rebecca Michi

The Birthful Podcast: Episode #140

Women’s Wellness

What is Fertility Awareness

by Lisa | Fertility Friday: Episode 165

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The adrenal thyroid revolution with Dr. Aviva Romm

by Nat and Nicole | The Period Party: Episode 73

Do you have a favorite Podcast?

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