There are so many triggering headlines on social media giving people the false idea that breastfeeding was ever unsupported or illegal in South Carolina.  Please don’t fall for the click bait.  It was never illegal to nurse a child in public.  This is an exciting time to have the last 2 states protect a women’s right to nurse anywhere she is legally able to be, without worry of indecent exposure, BUT this is not going to change how women have been feeding their children or plan on feeding their children.  Parents will feed their babies according to their comfort level and family values, just like last week, last month and last year.  Keep being savvy, informed and empowered y’all!

Looking for community support?

Le Leche League of Charleston has meetings all over the Lowcountry for free peer support at

Would you like a professional?  This is the best find a practitioner link I can find.  I know we have more professionals than this.  Please let me know if you have a better one!